Call of duty 3 steam
Call of duty 3 steam

These rewards have been broken up into three different categories, known as Strike Packages.Īlong with the return of the fan favorites Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 introduces several new game modes. Collect dog tags from killed players, including those on your squad while you prevent the opposing squad from taking yours in Kill Confirmed mode. Killstreaks, benefits and abilities awarded for stringing together multiple kills, have been transformed into Pointstreaks, creating a system that rewards players both for landing kills and completing objectives. Now even supports have a chance to unleash hell on the other team Strike Force missions - take a break from intense shooter and run mop-up operations in a strategic view.Due to restrictions from Steam it is forbidden to activate the uncut version of this product in Germany, to activate this product on your own responsibility, please contact our support team after purchase to help you with the activation on Steam. pick your favorite ten and dominate the battle Rebalanced multiplaye4r - familiar Killstreaks are replaced by Scorestreaks. The game invites and rewards exploration Revamped classes - create your own loadout out of a broad selection of weapons, grenades, perks. Make choices along the way defining how the story concludes Less linear maps - you don't have to press forward all the time. Complex narrative - visit both the late 1980s and 2025 as a Alex Mason and his son Alex. Follow the story of one unlucky soldier family in this spectacular first-person shooter from Treyarch.

#Call of duty 3 steam series

Use Wild Cards to bend the rules in your favor and be validated by the knowledge all other players do that too.Zombies!For the third time in the series the zombie horde mode returns to challenge brave players with wave after wave of decaying dead bodies animated by some malevolent presence.Can you hold your own when supported by other brave players, cooperating or competing for survival? And when the TranZit bus comes in, where will it take you and what will you find there? One way or another, hordes of zombies will be dead before you even figure out your favorite loadout.Key featuresCall of Duty: Black Ops 2 gameplay is an intense, but hardly thoughtless journey across two distinct periods, jumping from the Cold War to a futuristic setting of 2025. Craft you own perfect loadout and never look back at the rigid class systems other shooters are so eager to push you into. Welcome the Pick 10 system!Pick 10 allows you to fully customize your own Black Ops multiplayer gameplay with numerous perks, weapons, grenades, and more. See how your and either Mason’s actions can shape the world for years to come.What will be the conclusion to your story?Explorable mapsUnlike in the past, game subverts your expectations and rewards an inquisitive player.Dive outside the beaten path and experience Black Ops 2 fully.Class warfareGone are the classes of the past.

call of duty 3 steam

Play the campaign repeatedly to witness all six endings and variations. Every choice matters and influences the final state of the game.

call of duty 3 steam

The sins of the father come back to haunt the son.Non-linear storytellingSupporting the double period setting, Black Ops 2 allows you to make vital choices during key story moments. It all follows the life and deeds of one Raul Menendez, who rises up to be the primary antagonist of the game. It tells a decades-spanning story of the Alex and David Masons, who inadvertently got involved in all of this.Generations-spanning storylineThe storyline of CoD Black Ops 2 is shown through the eyes of the first game's protagonist Alex Mason in the late 1980s and his son David's in 2025. Developed by Treyarch it follows a non-linear, twofold storyline where actions matter and choices can shape the ultimate outcomes in manners that are not easily visible at first. Black Ops II is an intense first-person shooter set in the 1980s and in 2025.

call of duty 3 steam

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (PC) is a sequel to the first Black Ops.

Call of duty 3 steam